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Yoni Shakti Womb Wellness

About Me

Welcome to a mystical sanctuary of womb wellness and healing.

Our website is dedicated to providing you with holistic solutions for your

physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. We believe that the womb is not

only a physical organ but also a sacred portal to your wild and wise, your

graceful and sensual, and a source of divine feminine power.

Our mission is to empower women to take control of their health and reclaim their

divine feminine power through the transformative healing properties of herbs, defined 

programmes focusing on divine feminine practices, yoga, breath, rituals, shadow work,

affirmations  and spirituality.

Our online store offers a carefully curated selection of reiki-infused herbal teas and products specifically formulated to support the unique needs of the female reproductive system, womb wellness, general wellbeing and balance for men and women. Each of our products is crafted with intention and infused with the reiki and the healing energy of the natural world, to nourish and balance the body, mind, and spirit.

But we are more than just an online shop. Our website is a sanctuary where women can come to learn, connect, and heal. We offer a wealth of resources, from articles and blogs on the latest research and insights in diverse topics, tips and guidance on the sacred feminine, womb healing, divine sisterhood and deep introspection, to embodiment yoga, to guided meditations and rituals for deepening your connection to your womb and the Divine.

At the heart of our philosophy is the belief that true healing requires a holistic approach that acknowledges the interconnectivity of all things. We honor the ancient wisdom of indigenous cultures and draw upon the teachings of the divine feminine to create a space where women can reconnect with their innate power and wisdom.

Whether you are seeking relief from menstrual cramps, feminine support, sisterhood, womb cleansing and healing or simply a deeper connection to your own divine feminine essence, our products and services are here to guide you on your journey. Connect with me as together we quest for womb wellness and healing, and let me help you unleash the full power of your divine feminine potential bringing you to heal, love, and to honour your sacred self through the support, acceptance, and love of sisterhood and connection. 

Yoni Shakti Womb Wellness serves to guide women in creating a safe space within themselves to be vulnerable and to become attuned with their bodies. Trusting in the intuitive power of their womanhood. 

With Love, Honour and Grace

Gafieza Ismail 


Love Letters from Womb Sisters

Book Online


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