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Your vagina is your most sacred space. And that is why so many of us are reclaiming the word Yoni. The word Yoni is Sanskrit for "sacred space" and we find that this is the only word that really sums up what this space really is.


When we are connected to our most sacred space, we are connected to the deepest part of ourselves. We have self love and we respect ourselves. We see this space as our most sacred space and we welcome only those who are worthy into this sacred temple.


If you are looking for specific ways to honor this sacred space, look no further! Vaginal Steaming is one of the best ways to Honor your Yoni.


Benefits of Yoni Steaming: 


Most of the side-effects reported while steaming are positive. Users have reported the following: 

  • better sleep and lucid dreams, 

  • relaxation, 

  • decreased swelling in legs and feet, 

  • decreased abdominal pain and bloating, 

  • slimmer waistline, 

  • increased libido and sexual sensation; 

  • increased vaginal nectar and fertility, 

  • decrease in breast soreness, 

  • fewer headaches, 

  • fewer PMS symptoms and improved emotional balance, 

  • reduction in incidence of hormonal acne 

  • Increased lubrication and vaginal nectar

  • Scar softening 

  • Tighter vaginal cnaal and 

  • Harmonizaiton with the moon cycle 

  • Deeply connects a woman with her source of power

  • Heals the womb




Steaming is a cleanse. Some of the possible signs the vaginal steaming is working is if you experience -- the urge to urinate while steaming, brown discharge after steaming, increased clots or cramps during the period, increased dry cramps, increased irregular vaginal discharge (white, green , thick, clumpy), emotional release, periods that come earlier or later than expected. All of these signs are a normal part of the cleansing process and these signs will go away once the cleanse is complete. 


How do I do the Yoni Steam?




  • Add about a 1/4 cup of your chosen herbs to a basin of hot water.
  • Let the herbs steep for at least a minute.
  • Remove your clothes from the waist down.
  • Stand or squat directly over the basin. Some people prefer to place the basin in the toilet and then sit on the toilet.
  • Wrap a towel around your waist and legs to prevent the steam from escaping.
  • The average steam session lasts between 20 and 60 minutes. Depending on how hot the water is, the steam may cool sooner.




  • In a medium covered pot, pour 8 cups of water (preferably purified water).

  • Place 1/4 cup dried herbs into the water.

  • Bring water to a soft boil for 5 minutes.

  • Turn off the heat, leave the lid on and steep for another 5 minutes with the lid on.

  • Wave your hand 8 inches over the herbal water to make sure it is not too hot.

  • Remove your underwear and sit on the seat above the steaming water.

  • Drape a large blanket or sheet around your waist down to the floor making sure no steam escapes.

  • Sit over the steam for 20 minutes


How many times can I steam? 

You can steam up to 4 times a month (once a week). 

You can also steam after your period, before or after sex, when you are feeling low and if you are in pain. 


What you may need: 


Vaginal Steam Kit: Bowl for water and Towel

So basic steam set up, you’re going to boil some water then remove from heat. You’re going to put the pot of water on the ground (be careful of hot metal pots and wood floors), wrap your towel around the pot to protect your legs from the heat, and kneel with your knees on either side of the pot for about 15 - 20 minutes.


A good scrub, a little sage, some incense and candles, meditation music, a good book or diary to write about your experience, a wide-rimmed stainless steel or glass mixing bowl and a cozy blanket and pair of socks – all to keep the warmth within!


Go inward during this journey, meditate, read and journal. Start your ritual off with a positive affirmation and intention.


Allow yourself to BE during this time. Whatever comes up for you, let it release.



Add 3 - 5 drops to the bath of water


Clary Sage

Clary sage is an excellent hormone balancer. It also supports the female body through the labor and birth process by stimulating contraction, and can help to tone the uterus after birth. Clary sage also helps in preventing postpartum depression and aids in breast milk production. 



Frankincense creates a healthy immune response. It also stimulates the mind and elevates mood, in addition to helping to relieve stress and depression. Frankincense also aids in healing tears of the perineum, as well as reduces uterine stress and inflammation, relieves pain, and helps to treat and prevent stretch marks. 



Geranium soothes sore breasts, enhances circulation, provides pain relief during labor, repairs skin, and remedies jaundice. It also helps to balance hormones in women. It is also great for treating sore or cracked nipples. 



Lavender is known for its ability to calm the nervous system, reduce anxiety and encourage deep sleep. It also relieves high blood pressure and promotes healthy circulation, speeds healing of cuts, burns and bug bites, supports healing of the perineum after birth (especially when combined with Frankincense), and helps prevent stretch marks (especially when combined with myrrh and Frankincense).


Avoid Yoni Steams if:

  • You are pregnant or think you may be pregnant!

  • You are currently bleeding.

  • Have an active vaginal infection or open wounds.

Use caution:

  • If you have an IUD or another contraceptive device in place.

  • Experience very heavy periods.

  • When trying to support infertility or a specific condition where there may be particular contraindications.

Yoni (Vaginal) Steaming herbs

SKU: 004



    218 Lower Main Road


    Cape Town 



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    Proudly designed by Gafieza Ismail 

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